Monday, October 13, 2008

Our little group

On Friday night there is a small group of us that get together. Why? We get together because there is something inside us that drives us to find out more about this one little book that has stood the test of time for thousands of years. One book that has shared historical facts, scientific anomilies, and war. But through it all this book give hope, brings understanding, and explains the love of a savior willing to die for people that would crucify Him. This book is the Holy Bible. As we study this amazing book, we talk, learn, grow, and sometimes sit on the couch a little befuddled.

I am mostly going to write about those things we discuss and wrestle through in our humble little study. Feel free to add to this with your ideas, thoughts, scripture, and questions. Obviously I won't remember everything we discuss, so please add anything you think of.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Dude - obviously you WILL remember....

you are very thorough, much more so than me.